Life Insurance

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Expert Insurance Advice

Life insurance or a life cover is an insurance policy that pays out a lump sum in case of the death of the insured person. If you insure yourself, a policy will pay out in case of your accidental death during the time the policy is in place. Your family can use the money for any purpose, like paying off debts, or funeral costs or put aside as savings that can be used in the future.

Level term insurance

Lever term insurance will pay a specific lump sum during the term of your life insurance policy.

Mortgage protection

Mortgage protection insurance is a decreasing term insurance designed to cover your repayment mortgage.


Whole-of-life cover is valid your whole life, no matter when you pass away. It is a guaranteed life insurance policy.

Life Insurance Cover

Do you want peace of mind knowing your family will be taken care of if the worst were to happen? A life assurance cover can deliver just that, with options to cover a variety of needs.


plan of action

Decide what insurance is right for you

The Whole-of-Life Policy

The whole-of-life insurance policy lasts your whole life, regardless how long will you live. The policy will pay out the lump sum in case of your death, regardless of your age. Because no one knows how long will you live, the term of the policy is open and therefore the policy is more expensive.

Term Insurance - Level

Level term insurance will pay out a specific amount of money, that has been agreed at the outset. For example, level term insurance for £100,000 for 20 years, will pay £100,000 whether it is year one, or year 18 of the policy. The drawback of this policy is that it is not increased in case of inflation and the amount is the same at the beginning and the end. It is good to periodically adjust the value of a policy to fit your needs.

Term Insurance - Decreasing

Decreasing term insurance is widely used as mortgage protection insurance. It is a low-cost insurance policy that will pay out the outstanding balance of your mortgage. As the name indicates, the amount of the payout will depend on the time is claimed and for example, 20 years policy will have a higher payout in year one than in year 18, when the mortgage is almost paid off.

Benefits of life insurance policy

Life insurance for families

How does life insurance cover work?


Policy type

It is important to decide what policy is the right one for you and your loved one. We can help you choose the right policy to suit your needs


Cover amount

This is the amount of money that will be paid out in case of your passing as a lump sum. You might choose an amount that will cover your mortgage only or an amount that will cover additional expenses like a funeral, or school fees.


Pay Monthly

You must pay the monthly premiums by direct debit. If you stop paying your policy will cease. You might be able to claim the waiver of the premium for a specific time in case of unemployment or sickness.



If you pass away, your family will be able to make a claim on your policy and receive a lump sum directly to the nominated bank account.

how much insurance cover do i need?

The amount of cover will depend on your need. Talk to us and we will analyse your circumstances and help you decide on the right amount. It is important to take into consideration the following: 

Once you have a policy in place, it is a good practice to review your insurance needs every year. We can schedule an annual review with you and remind you to speak to an adviser to check if your cover is sufficient.

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